Two weeks post op

Dec 02, 2010

Doing pretty good too.  I started back at the gym yesterday, and I feel so much better about that. 20 minutes yesterday, and 21 today on the treadmill.  Nothing hard or strenuous, but I can tell its helping.  I finally broke the 300lb mark, and am at 299.4 as of today.  I  can honestly say that its been 7+ years since I could say that. Considering my highest weight was 346 this summer - I can say I am doing pretty damn good.

I ate some real food tonight.  I made twice baked potatoes with FF sour cream, FF milk, and I cant believe its not butter.  I also made a wonderful pork loin roast with garlic.  I had about 4 small bites of the pork loin, and about 2 bites of the potato.  I kept wondering when I would feel full, and what it would feel like. After the second bite of the potato, all the sudden my stomach said HALT! I put my plate in the kitchen and was done! lol Its been over an hour, and I still feel  a little full.  I am now drinking my Crystal Lite since I didn't get in as much liquids as I have been doing.  Today was crazy busy! I don't even know how I am going to get my shake down later???

Tomorrow is my 35Th birthday. *Gulp.  OMG 35 years old.  My husband bought me a brand new stereo for my truck, so happy. CD/Satellite/Ipod/USB and HD radio.  I got it installed today since they were booked for tomorrow! I LOVE music when I drive, and actually I need it.  It keeps me from running people down when I am singing to my music. lol

I have not had any pain meds (Tylenol) since Monday morning.  I am sleeping good and have actually a lot of energy.  Today I got tired around 2pm, but just took a break and my energy came back.  I am getting in about 70G of protein in and I am trying to get at least  the recommended 64oz of water a day.  So far so good! 

I am a stubborn mule, and just refuse to eat anything pureed. Cant and wont!!  So, I am combining stage 1 and stage 3, but taking it very easy.  I have not had one single issue with my pouch at all - which I am still torn about if that's a good thing or not?!

I tried on my old jeans a few days ago.  The legs were baggy, but, the waist was very tight, which confuses me.  The only thing I can think of is that maybe my stomach is swollen from the surgery?  Those pants used to fit me when I was 320ish - they should be big on me?? I will try them again next week and see what happens.

On my way.................

