Shari's for lunch WTH!!!

Aug 23, 2012

so with my work I have to meet clients out for lunch ect.  I am on my two week 870 calorie diet partial liquid diet.  lucky for me my doctor lets me have one small lien cusine meal a day under 300 calories as long as I stay under 870 calories I am good.  My client wanted to take me to lunch at Shar's .   I think in my head what the heck can i eat from there..   they dont carry a lo cal dressing or fat free,  I could have some plain lettuce.  yukkkkkkkk.  so I see they have on their menu a lo fat/ lo cal yogurt parfiet with strawberries slushy stuff.  so  I ask the waitress how many calories.  ohhhhhh she was so rude!!  yells at me she dont know and when I pressed the issue ,  she then went over and grabbed some big giant binder that was at least 12 inches thick , slams it on my table and tells me to look it up. all the pages are falling out and its in no kind of order.     for real lady????  wow this is customer service,  if I would of been there by myself I would of walked out.  my client looked at me and I was embarressed , he was embarresed but luckily he also watches his weight and new where I was comin gfrom.     I couldnt find the calories in the book, she  tried for a moment and couldnt find it , so i decided that I would get the yogurt , minus the berries since they are probably loaded with sugar and told her to throw some grannolia on the top.   when I back to my office i looked up the calores on line 400 for that darn thing,  but I thnk I shaved half of those off because I took the berries off.   Shari's restaurant you suck !!!  get with the program and have the calories in an orderly manner so its easy to look up


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