NSVs :)

Oct 02, 2010

 Yesterday I met up with my friend Ivonne who knows about my surgery but hasn't seen me since about May. We went out to eat lunch, my first time eating out since surgery. We went to Red Lobster (my first time there). She saw me and was like wow you look fantastic! :) I said thank you.

Immediately they go towards a booth. And usually I would say...uh can we do a table please? But I guess I figured I would probably fit better now or maybe I was testing to see if I've lost enough. I don't know if they have big booths there (some places have more spaces booths than others) but i fit just fine with room to spare! yay! :)

we sat down. the waitress asked what i wanted to drink, i said just water. she said, with a squeeze of lemon, i said sure. I never touched it. lol. i looked over the menu. it looked mouthwatering. lots of fantastic choices. i looked at it and thought, man before i would have gotten this or this or this or this. But now lets see.....i looked at the appetizers. For me it was between the burbon scallops and the crabcakes. I would have gone with the scallops but then the waitress told me they were wrapped in bacon and sitting on a bed of crispy fried onions and some pico de gallo. oof that was all way too much for me. i don't need all that. she said the crabcakes were just crabcakes, pan seared with a dipping sauce. so i went with that. the crabcakes were good. i had about.....1/4 of it and a nibble of the biscuits they gave us. yummy! but then i was full. my friend and her husband (who had stopped in from work on his lunch break to join us) looked at me like wow! thats it??

meanwhile they had these huge plates. her husband especially. he had endless shrimp. it comes with 3 kinds of shrimp, a MOUNTAIN (no lie) of fries, and a salad. and the shrimp is endless. I looked at that plate and thought jesus how can anyone eat that much. even pre surgery i never ate that much. i wasn't a volume eater. i always got full quickly. but i looked at the fries going, oh man those look scrumptious! the old me would love that! lol. they both offered me things from their plates and i said no thanks. i just have room for sooo little these days. i'm lucky if i can get in what i serve myself. they finished their plates. amazingly enough. and i guess it was a NSV for me to see what they ate and see what i ate. it kind of made me proud of myself. 

Since it takes me an hour or two to finish a meal (i eat a little, get full, wait for it to pass, eat a little more, etc till i finish my 3oz or whatever) i obviously wasn't gonna finish at the restaurant. i got full and took the 1 3/4 crabcakes to go along with a couple biscuits for my husband. then we went to her house and hung out. well about 30-45 min later i was hungry again (because i didn't have a proper meal) so i ate some more of my crabcakes and another nibble from a biscuit. there was still 1 1/2 crabcakes when i was done. but then i was good.  i drank a bottle of water a while after that.

then i left her house and went to my parents house. i went to lane bryant with my mom. she wanted to buy me some new pants. well my old pants still fit so i don't see the point in shopping right now. but i went. those prices are so outrageous! $50 for a top?? are you insane? i mean seriously? that really makes me angry. i wish i could open up a shop that caters to plus sizes and doesn't charge outrageous prices. they really do take advantage of us. anyway i tried on several things but nothing struck my fancy. i have to say, with this big gut nothing looks good on me. it really keeps me from being able to wear ALOT of things. i can't wait to lose it and then snip it off. for real. but i tried on these black pants because i needed something for interviews. i usually wear a 28. it had gotten to the point that 28s weren't even fitting and i had to get elastic pants. how sad is it when you can't fit into the largest pants at lane bryant? but i grabbed a 26 off the rack because i wanted to get a pair that were a bit snug so that as i lose weight i'll still be able to wear them. well the 26 fit great! a little loose even! so get this, i went for a size 24!!! they fit my waist but were a bit snug around my gut area so i got those because i figure as i lose that part will loosen up and they'll fit perfect. so that was a total NSV for me.

also, when i looked in the full length mirror i realized..the pants i wear normally, while the waist still fits (its elastic) they look like huge parachutes on me. oh my gosh. how unflattering. i need some new pants. NSV :) lucky for me my horrible mother in law bought me a pair of jeans along time ago that were too small (26) and for some reason i kept them. so they're hanging in my closet. they're a little snug still but soon i'll be able to fit in them and they're brand new. sweeet. :) NSV

oh by the way i got hungry in the store because by this time it had been 3 hours or so since i had eaten. so i went into my purse and pulled out a baggie of toasted almonds. did you know i toast my own almonds? so much better than raw. i ate about 4 or 5 and i was good.  really took the edge off. they're life savers those things. 

as we were checking out with my new pants i told my mom how i can't wait to be rid of this gut and she said yeah you'll be so much happier and you can wear so many more things. i said yeah but the idea of the surgery scares the crap out of me. its gonna hurt soooo much. and the drains! and she's like nah its not so bad. and i'm like mom seriously, the recovery will be awful. and she's like...trust me...its not so bad. which makes me think maybe my mom had a tummy tuck.  i know she had lipo like 10yrs ago so she said she was getting a hernia fixed. which is funny because thats what i tell ppl now. i had surgery to fix a hernia. lol funny.

by the time i got home. 2 hours later i was hungry. but tired. so i just ate a couple slices of cheese. ahhhhhh..deeelicious! then a couple of hours later i had turkey pepperoni chips and a string cheese. really just to try to get more protein in. but no luck. i did horrible with my protein. its so hard being on the road and getting your water and protein in. 

oh and did i mention that now i have to move the car seat even closer to the steering wheel (i'm short) and it still doesn't touch my stomach!

yesterday was a good day :) oh and also as of today i have gone to the gym every day for 8 days straight. trying to get into a routine. i think its working.


About Me
Miami, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2010
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