The 5 Stages of a Healthy Sleep Cycle

Feb 22, 2013

What is the definition of Insomnia?

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What are the 5 stages?

It is bad if you are asking this question. You should go through the 5 stages given below. This is one of the reasons that sleeping disorders are such a big problem.  Awakenings during the night almost always lead to a disrupted sleep cycle that steals time away from these different important stages.
The 5 Stages of the Sleep Cycle

  1.  Light or transitional sleep.  The brain is adjusting from wakefulness to sleep during this short period of time (normally around 5-10 minutes or so).
  2. Physiological changes occur throughout the body.  Breathing, heart rate, and temperature changes occur.  This is also a transitional period of sleep, but can last as long as half an hour.
  3. Slow brain moves indicate a move towards deeper sleep that continues through to stage 4
  4. Slow delta waves are prominent during this period of deep sleep.  It will normally last around half an hour
  5. The fifth stage of sleep is known as REM or rapid eye movement sleep.  This particular stage of sleep is extremely important.  Despite increased respiratory activity and movement, the body actually becomes more relaxed.

Each of the Stages of Sleep Are Important
It’s crucial to realize that you need to achieve not just the right amount of hours of sleep, but also the right measure of each stage.  The stages do not necessarily go in sequence–especially the middle ones, but interruptions in sleep can easily throw off a cycle.

REM sleep in particular is unique because it varies between cycles.  During the early stages of the night, the first appearances of REM sleep are likely to be extremely brief.  As the night goes on however and the number of cycles increases, the time spent in REM sleep is also lengthened.
Disruptions during the earlier stages of a sleep cycle can lead to problems related to insufficient REM sleep.  This means it is very important for you to create a good sleeping environment that allows these cycles to occur continuously with as little interruption as possible.
Getting to sleep also becomes easier when you’re on a set routine.  The changes made through the second stage of sleep can be very difficult for someone that has an inconsistent sleep schedule.  Poor sleep habits and hygiene can lengthen this stage of sleep, reducing the overall quality that you get from a night of rest.
Repeating Stages of the Sleep Cycle
Remember that a full night of sleep consists of any number of different cycles through each stage of sleep.  The exact number is fairly irrelevant, but the concept is one that you should understand.
These cycles fit together as the body and brain undergo changes that allow you to restore not only your muscles, but all different parts of the body and mind.


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