So far so good

Aug 21, 2010

I had my Egd done today. My blood pressure was pretty high nothing unusual that's usually the case every time I go to the doc. So I had to stay a little longer then expected but fingers crossed the results will turn out good. I had my sleep study a few weeks ago. Which was good because I was supposed to have it this past Friday but someone canceled so I got to go early Thank you Jesus! I was a little scared about sleeping in a strange place with people watching you while your asleep lol. This coming Tuesday I have my Phy visit I'm kinda freaked out about it for some reason. The same way that I was freaked out about the sleep study but that went well good results so I trust in the lord that everything will turn out well. I have my next doc visit on Augst. 30 a day before a few special peoples birthday Rip David you will always be the love of my live I will always love you. Well, that's all for now stay tuned...


About Me
Arlington, TX
Oct 05, 2005
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