I sicky.....

Apr 14, 2010

So I ended getting my baby's stomach flu. I was okay until yesterday morning, when all hell broke loose! I was at a friends house working on details for her upcoming wedding over breakfast. Well breakfast for all of them but 1/4c of yogurt for me. After about 3 bites my stomach started to gurgle and I knew it was time to head to the bathroom. Ne way to spare you the details, lets just say I was in there for 15 min, while everything I ate and drank escaped my bottom half. That was just the beginning, the whole day I could not keep anything in. I do admit I know I was already a little dehydrated but this was making it 100x times worse. Needless to say I did call kaiser last night and I told them about the bathroom issues but I also mentioned that I was having pain in my left upper side. Of course they wanted me to go to the ER, but being a nurse, I was not going to waste $50 for them to hydrate me and sent me home. So I stayed home and endured the worst gas pain and stomach cramping I have ever had in my life. I would take 2 sips of water and it would come right back out, not to mention the gas pains that woke me up out of a dead sleep.
So this morning I ended up having more dry heaves, but as much as I wanted to I just could not vomit! I called and got a appointment with my surgeon so off to Kaiser I went. Once there my blood pressure was high and I started to get a little dizzy. When the doctor came in he examined me and said everything looked good and he was happy with my weight loss. He did say I didn't look dehydrated, but I convinced him I was so he agreed to 2 liters of fluids. Well here came the fun part. It took 4 nurses to get my IV started because my veins were so collapsed. I was glad when the nurse finally got it but irritated that she put it in my right AC. (crook of the arm) So I could not move my arm at all! I was so worried about how I was gonna wipe if I had to go to the bathroom. I joked with my friend and told her she'd have to come wipe me. LOL Well thank god I never once had to go to the bathroom through the whole 2 liters. (wow)
So now I am at home, trying to keep my fluids up and trying to eat food. Not going that well but I am trying.
Good news is according to my home scale I am down 20 lbs!!! Kaiser says 16lbs but either way, amazing!!!!


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Jul 01, 2008
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