4 months!

May 19, 2010

I can't believe that it has been four months since surgery (well tomorrow will be), I have lost 78 lbs.  So much has changed over this time. I have so much more energy.  I can do more at night after I come home from work.  It is great!  I have started running three to four times a week.  I have my 5K coming up on July 10th.

So I had my three month check up with the surgeon, but I saw the nurse.  I had my blood work checked too.  I was so worried that something was going to be wrong but it turned out pretty good.  Everything came back normal except my iron.  She said that we can just keep an eye on it for my next visit. So we will see how I do in July, I actually see the doc then.

The next thing that I am looking forward to is my trip to Florida.  My best friend lives in Orlando, so my husband and I are going down for a week and a half at the end of June (with no kids). My mom is coming to our house to stay with the kids. I am going to miss my kids but I know that Doug and I need some time together. I think he is having a hard time with the changes that have been happening with me (not that he would ever say anything).  Don't get me wrong we are doing great!  He has been my biggest encourager.  It is actually nice.

Well I think I have wrote enough, I will talk with everyone soon!

1 comment

Ta Da!

May 07, 2010

So it has been a while since I have written on here so I thought that I would catch everyone up!  I am doing really good, I have lost 72 pounds so far, and only 38 more pounds to hit my goal weight.  I am feeling so much better.  I have a protein shake every morning now, and get most of my liquids in, when I am at home it is the hardest because get so busy (with three kids under the age 6 it is crazy!).  But no excuse, I am trying to work on that.

I have been have stalls already.  I just remind myself that 78lbs in three and half months is a lot, and my body needs to catch up to that.  I have really started to exercise.  I am getting a membership to the gym tonight or tomorrow morning (I have not been able to afford it until now).  I have been doing fast walks with my black lab.  She is loving it just as much as I do.

Let see what else.....my youngest just turned two yesterday.  We are having his birthday party tomorrow at my sisters but not until the afternoon.  I have go today and get his present, so that is why the gym might wait until tomorrow morning.  Then on Sunday my husband is taking me down to see a movie while my mom watches the kids.  Very excited about that!!!

We have a support group from our doctors office coming up on the 17th.  They are doing a Q&A with the doctors, before and after pictures, and a celebration walk.  I am very excited about that!  I am going with Brook, again, it should be fun.

Well I will talk to everyone real soon!  I hope every ones journey is going great, and hope to hear from you!


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2009
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