Pretty much damned whatever I post

Dec 29, 2009

Mom's still in the hospital two hours away. Here it is 3:22 a.m. and I can't sleep. I'm feeling guilty because I don't have the paid time off to go down and sit bedside like other members of my family. I don't know why I'm feeling so guilty. I accrue 8.31 hours of leave every two weeks. Most of that over the past year has been used up taking Mom or myself to a doctor's appointment (oh yeah, I did have gastric bypass surgery this past year!!). I have 9 hours on the books right now -- figured I'd use that to pick Mom up from the hospital. I'm praying I don't get sick.

Anyway, one of my latest dilemmas is that someone I love dearly is dealing with a lot of stress. I can't go into detail because this person is already going to bite my head off for posting the little I've already posted here. (I got chewed on big time for a previous post. And they'll probably write me a very angry letter. Can't wait to get that!) What compounds it is that this person is relatively early out postop, so I'm sure there's some demon estrogen dumping going on. I want to give this person a big hug, but after the communication over the past few days, I'd probably get bit.

Back to Mom. What I understand is that the found evidence of an infection of some kind. It explains why she's been so out of it and hallucinating about stuff. I'm hoping they can fix it relatively quickly. However, she is at the Kaiser hospital famous for dumping indigent patients down on Skid Row in Los Angeles. And I don't think Medicare will pay for hospital hatched infections. Yeeeaaah, we'll see. I was informed yesterday that we need to pay $2000 of her hospital bill by Thursday. (Surprisingly, she has the money. It's just a matter of getting it down to the hospital on a normal business day. I'm going to try calling today.)

Now, I'm going to go back to bed and see if I can fall asleep before my alarm goes off in 56 minutes.


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Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
Jul 09, 2008
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