Pre op day 3

Feb 15, 2014

So I am doing pretty well today. I am doing suprisingly well getting in water which is good because I used to HATE drinking water, but I bought a huge thing of propel at costco and I LOVE them! I really like the grape ones... so yummy. Last night was hard because on Friday nights we usually order pizza. I wasn't really that hungry though.. just bored. Thankfully my hubby has been cooking things that I don't like anyway so I don't feel too bad about not being able to eat it. Today I went to get my hair cut which I despritely needed and then we went out to eat and I did really well! We got chinese and I got eggdrop soup. Yum! I didn't eat any of the eggs really since I'm technally not supposed to have those. I did have a glass of diet coke... couldn't resist... but it didn't really taste that good and I don't think I'll have a problem giving it up. I forgot to ask them not to bring out the fried noodles that come with the soup, so seeing those made it kind of hard because I really wanted some to go with my soup, but I resisted. I think that's a success. Later I'm planning on going to Target to buy some more SF popsicles, SF jello, propel, and protien powder (still searching for one I love... hubby bought a whey one that I can't stand... I feel bad though so sometimes I try to drink it anyway in front of him) I am ready for Thursday to be here!


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Dec 04, 2013
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