
May 07, 2014

Been awhile since I updated, so thought I'd check in. The last few weeks have been stressful. Its like, when it rains, it POURS! Since I last posted, I found out my position at work is being cut (with the potential to be transferred, but nothing is guaranteed,) they have to cut back on the number of paras in the building, and they are cutting the last five people hired, and I am in that category. Also my husband's car is dead and I'm not sure when we will be able to have it fixed because of finance issues. Since we work in completely different directions, he takes the car and I get a ride from someone. I hate relying on anyone for rides though, makes me feel guilty, even though the coworker thats picking me up would basically have to drive by my house aanyway (and she doesnt mind.) It's just very stressful- car problems are the worst! On top of all that, I had two major projects due this week. One got turned in last night, I am not sure how I did, but considering the semester I had I think I did a good job. The other one is due Friday and I'm not too concerned about it. I don't think my grades will be great this semester, but I think I at least passed everything. After everything that's been happening, my goal was just to get through the year in one piece.

So as you can imagine all this stress has not been great for my diet. I will admit that I have had some stuff that isn't the best choice, but I think overall I am doing okay. I am still losing, so I must be doing something right, lol! Well anyway after the semester is over we are really going to step it up as far as exercise goes. I have not been doing nearly as much as I should, some days I am just too worn out and not in the mood. Lately I have been not wanting to be the first one to get home after work (which usually happens) because I will have to walk my dog and she will be all happy and excited to see me and want to play, and I am just in such a bad mood and so worn down that taking her out just seems to be a chore, and I usually really enjoy walking her. That is how much this stress is affecting me! I can't wait until classes are over on Friday so I can finally have a break. The school I work at is almost done for the summer too... but that is no longer exciting for me since I won't be coming back.Such is the world of education.

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