3 fan-tab-ulous days!

Oct 20, 2011

It feels so strange to even say 3 day till i start my liquid diet.  How can it feel like i have waited forever and ever and ever!!!!!!!  And now its so close that i can taste it,lol!  Im so ready for October 24th to get here so i can start my next phase LIQUID diet time!! I am so excited!  I already did all the shopping over the weekend and im just waiting for it to get here so i can jump in!!!!  I feel like this is the beginning of everything!  I am so ready and i cant wait!  I have a super full week next week - sonogram, nutrition class, My sons bday, kids fall festival(which im making cupcakes for while im on a liquid diet, umm who was not thinking when i committed to that,lol)  surgeon visit and class, and parent teacher conferences for my older two kids.  Im so glad its a full week it will help take my mind off not eating my normal foods.  Then it will be one more week and i will be getting my long awaited RNY!!!!! I just cant believe it.  Its so surreal!  Finally its time and im going to get it done.  I am so excited! Umm sorry i think i have said that a million times.  But i treuly am.  Bring on November 7th baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My weight as of today is 299.  so far i have lost 21lbs.  I hope to lose a good 10 or more with the liquid diet but if not oh well!!!  Well sorry for being all over the place im just so frickin excited!!  


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Dec 14, 2010
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