My RNY surgery...

Apr 04, 2014

Well, got the final date, APRIL 15th!! I have 10 days to go... My friend who is also very obese, is AGAIN doing the whole diet pill route, and "low carb eating", who is constantly saying negative things to me about my surgery. Things like,  you  WILL get fat again, I seen it happen to 2 people I know. I have TRIED to explain to her that it is not JUST the surgery, it is re-training your brain to think about food differently.. and it gives you A LONG while to get into better habits of eating. I just hate that she is soo negative, so I havent been talking to her much lately. I can see this affecting our friendship down the road. SHe is even gone so far as to mention my AGE as a factor, which I am 44. SO ?? really? I am just fed up hearing people say, that WLS people, are "awlays sick", they are never healthy, ect ect. Yah, like being 360 ounds is healthy! (my friends wt not mine) Alot of people a work now know, thru the gossip mill... I hear comments all the time, negative usually. I just dont get it.. Society HATES fat people,,, so if I am DOING something about being FAT... than WHY is that a BAD thing?? I tried eating salads and carrot sticks.. it did not work for me.. I work out, have for years.. STILL gained weight. It is just sad and tiresome to hear the negative comments. I have to vent, because this site is my sounding board.. well.. I cant wait to prove them wrong..

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