Gallbladder Update & Hubby's Homecoming

Apr 06, 2011

 I just realized I never wrote a follow up post so here it is!

On February 21st I had my Gallbladder removed labroscopically by the same surgeon who did my RNY. I could of gone with someone more local (my surgeon is 3 hours away!) but I felt safer about having him do it since he already knew what he was dealing with when it came to my rearranged insides & whatnot.

The surgery went well. I was checked into the hospital around 8am & checked out again about 6pm. For whatever reason they let me sleep in recovery for a long time. I woke up on my own around 3pm & the nurse looking after me said something about me sleeping quite a while. I don't remember a whole lot but there was no complications other then my blood pressure being quite low & they kept pumping me full of IV fluids & telling me to remember to take deeps breaths to raise it but every few minutes it would drop again & the monitor would start beeping.

The low blood pressure is something I've been dealing with for quite a few months now. I never had this problem prior to my RNY but the issue has come up a number of times & for now the doctors are just chalking it up to not getting as much fluids as I should be.

I was quite worried about the possibility of having to have tubes down my throat or nose again like with the RNY but fortunately none of that had to happen with this one & the pain although severe when I first woke up wasn't nearly what it was with the RNY. Also, they wouldn't allow me to check out until I could successfully pee in the bathroom & for whatever reason (the anesthetic I guess?) this ended up being very difficult to do. I tried at least 3 times before I could do it successfully & to do it I had to sit there with my hand under the tap running warm water on it! They finally released me after that but this difficulty lasted just over a week before finally returning to normal. I don't recall having that trouble after my RNY but I did have difficulty with a BM after that surgery. It took 9 days before I could finally have one (TMI, I know... but some people reading this are also glad for the details).

I mentioned in my previous post that I was really worried about needing to have my Gallbladder out due to the fact my hubby was deployed. Fortunately (and with great effort) I was able to get him sent home a little bit early & he arrived home at around 11pm on Valentines Day!!! It was the best Valentines gift EVER!

He was quite surprised at my progress as he hadn't seen me since August. Of course I'd shared pictures but he said they really didn't compare to how awesome the reality was. He said he felt like he had a whole new wife & couldn't believe I was his. 

In other news I'm on the longest plateau ever too. I've been stuck fluctuating between 149 & 154 lbs for over 2 months now. I don't know if this means that this is it for the weight loss until I get my excess skin removed but my surgeons goal for me & my goal too is to reach around 135 lbs. I realize I'm not that far off but I really wanted to get into my lower 140's before surgery. 

It could still happen though as I don't plan on having plastics for probably another year & the reason being is that the hubby & I have decided to pursue fertility treatment in an effort to conceive. I'm really hoping I do get pregnant & figure it's best to wait to have my tummy tuck until sometime after that so I don''t go stretching my skin back out all over again with the pregnancy since that would be a real waste of a tummy tuck. 

So that's where I'm at with things. Overall I'm extremely happy with my progress. I feel awesome & continuously find myself looking at my reflection when I see it & thinking wow... just wow... this is ME!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2008
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Before & After
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2 Weeks Pre RNY
282 lbslbs
16 Months Post RNY
155 lbslbs

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