Getting started....

Dec 01, 2009

I have already gotten started on this journey.  The insurance company certainly doesn't make it easy, does it?  Here is what I have done so far to get my lap band procedure pre-certified.  I have my letter of medical necessity, my 5 yr diet & weight loss history (I had to make up approximate times for these), my physician documented 5 yr weight record.  I have an appointment this Thursday with the psychologist (I already know I am crazy, guess they want it documented though... lol), then on December 10th, I go for the nutritional counselling.  I will probably go for the first session and postpone starting the 3-4 month diet they require until right after Christmas.  I don't really understand why they require a 3-4 months diet PRIOR to the surgery... if I could have successfully dieted the weight off, I would certainly have already done so without surgery!  I guess the insurance company wants to make sure you are committed, that is the only reason I can figure out.  The other concern I have is that the insurance company will not pay for plastic surgery such as a tummy tuck.  I hope I will be able to get the residual flab under control through exercise although I get really winded and my arthritis hurts when I exercise now.  Hopefully, as the weight comes off, that will get easier. 


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Aug 03, 2009
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