Proof that I am crazy!

Dec 05, 2009

Ok, I went to the psychologist Thursday.  That was an adventure in itself.  I had no problems finding his office which is amazing because he was in a part of town that I don't frequent very often and I am so prone to get lost.  Anysay, I was about 20 minutes early to give myself time in case I did get lost.  I was early and he was running behind which put me in his office about an hour after I had arrived.  I filled out a bunch of forms, then went into his office with another lady who was there for weight counselling.  He delivered a 30 minute lecture to the two of us together.  Then she left and he talked to me.  I really don't think I got a whole lot of new information out of it.  As soon as I left his office, I started on my dieting journey.  I came home and met Andy who was starving. All he had had to eat all day was an apple and some yogurt or something, so we went to Kacey's buffet.  I ate veggies, salad and some meatloaf... nothing fried or starchy.  Dessert was peaches and cottage cheese.  Yesterday morning, Andy and I went for a walk for an hour.  I was worn out when we got back, but I felt more energized.  We ran some errands and  came back to the house where I heated up some chili... no cornbread or crackers.  We spent the afternoon putting up outside Christmas decorations here at my house.  He left about 8pm.  I didn't eat anything after he left, I just went to bed about 9:30pm.  Today I got up late and messed around here at the house until about noon.  Then I went for an hour walk, came back home, took a shower, then I took the dogs to run errands.  I went to the Farmer's Market to get some fruit.  It was really cold as it was getting later in the afternoon, so I came home and built a fire in the fireplace and messed around on the computer until the Thrashers' game came on TV.  That is where I am now, watching the Thrashers' game on TV... soon off to bed.  I'm tired!


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