Six Days and Counting

Nov 23, 2010

I’ve been busy with getting ready. I’ve also noticed I’ve been busy with waiting. We had our early Thanksgiving so I could enjoy our special Tom with the trimmings and particularly leftovers. I’ve been doing things like getting Christmas squared away. All the gifts are wrapped and those needing shipping have been shipped. We did outdoor yardwork before the recent freeze. I’m pretty much ahead of my self-imposed schedule. I’m working ahead at work and am pretty much caught up except for some last minute things I’m waiting for information on. 

However, though there are thing I could be doing like blogging, spending time with my neglected stack of reading materials or making my hospital packing list, I have found myself just sitting and watching TV lately. Normally, if I’m watching TV, I’m doing something else too like reading or being on the computer. I feel in limbo like I’m waiting for something imminent (which it’s not) and can’t get too involved in anything else. I wanted to resume working out, but the residuals of this virus have been hanging on with a sore throat and left ear. Jack and I did get some activity last Thursday night and Saturday with major chores, but we both paid the price through wiping ourselves out and increased symptoms. I’m just keeping up my vitamins and water and it seems to be gradually going away. 

Yesterday, was my day to stop taking any anti-inflammatories. I’m having a little bit of last-Starbucksitis and succumbed to the holiday flavors, but I’m keeping them the small size. I’ve started having thoughts daily like:  
·         I could use new underwear, but why buy any now if they’ll be too big soon?
·         I can’t wait to dig “new” clothes out of the smaller size storage tote.
·         I’m sick of my Land’s End v-neck sweaters in different dark colors which I used to love and have been my stand-bys for years. I want bright & stylish!
·         I can’t reload my Starbucks card for too much as I won’t be using it for awhile.
·         My food for the next month or so will result in increased recycling.
·         I feel bad I bought Protein Water because it’s in plastic bottles versus reusable.
·         What size will I be when I return to work and will I have pants that fit? I need to go look in my storage totes at my smaller clothes.
·         Will I be one of those people that lose a pound a day in the first month? That's incomprehensible.
·         I wonder how I’ll feel the second week and if I can start on the treadmill or elliptical?
·         When do I tell anyone other than whom I’ve already told? I don’t want any drama.
·         Will the sheets be less wrinkly when I’m thinner because I’ll be lighter when I roll over?
·         At what point in my weight loss will I stop snoring?
·         How much hair will really fall out?
·         How much skin will I have hanging around? Will I look like a Shar-pei dog?  

Jack’s been getting more romantic and attentive. I know he’s worried, but he’s also been much more accepting of the surgery and talking about it matter-of-factly. He even jokes about how he can have store-bought rotisserie chicken after my surgery. I don’t like the stuff and so he rarely gets it. Now he can have it since I won’t be eating with him. Fine by me! He’s also eager to blenderize my food and see what he can come up with.   

So far, no one has really asked much about my three weeks off so I haven’t had to explain. One person asked if I was going someplace fun. I just said nope, I’m staying home. Those who do know are starting to ask more questions as to what I’ll be eating, how long I’ll be in the hospital and is it reversible. I get a chuckle out of the questions.  

Well, I’m sure I’ll be doing another post or two before the big day. More later!


About Me
Salem, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2010
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