Overdue Check-In

Feb 28, 2011

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve been on OH and posted anything to the blog.   

Things have been humming along and I’ve adjusted to the fact that there will be periodic plateaus. I’ve stopped weighing myself incessantly and only check in every 7-10 days. It’s continued to come off and I’m now in my last storage tote of smaller clothes. Towards the end of this tote, then I will need to start shopping again. I’ve already hit Goodwill once, finding a pair of jeans and a Jones New York sweater for the grand total of $13.98. The jeans were a brand I’m very familiar with and have relied on through the journeys up & down the ladder so I didn’t try them on, knowing how the sizing worked. However, I got home and they were a little big. Then, I found the next size down of those jeans in my storage tote and they fit. So, it was a $6.99 mistake which I can live with. The jeans are nice enough to take to the consignment store. It’s amazing how I can find perfectly great designer clothes at Goodwill. It’s a treasure hunt.   

I’m getting in plenty of protein 90% of the time and almost all my water. I run about 6-8 glasses a day. I’m taking all my vitamins and my hair isn’t falling out too much. I don’t know if I’m really losing any or I’m just paranoid and think I’m losing a little more than normal. It’s hard to say with longer hair. I want to get it colored, but am afraid to do too much with it yet.   

Exercise is a consistent on & off. I’ll go several times in a week for a week or two and then something happens to where I don’t go for a week. Usually, it’s not a good reason, but I seem to derail easily if something unusual is going on. Then, I miss working out and get a little cranky when I feel like I can’t. Like today, I have follow-up appointments all afternoon in another city so I won’t be back in town until after my usual workout time and then we have a meeting with the roofer at 6:00. Then I’m out of town for work a couple days this week. Fortunately, most weeks are not like this and I usually do floor exercises and weights at home if I can’t get the cardio at the gym. I could be doing more though. I am pleased that I’m up to 30 minutes on the elliptical and can also jog/walk on the treadmill. My endurance is much better than before. Activity will be easier when warmer & drier weather arrives to where I can get out to do yard work and home improvement projects.   

Eating habits are doing just fine. I’ve switched to protein bars and a sugar-free cinnamon dolce soy latte in the morning for breakfast. The Unjury tended to upset my stomach. However, I really need to use up what I have. I usually have a laughing cow cheese wedge for a 10:00 am snack and then a small lunch consisting of about 2 oz of something high protein and 1-2 ox of a fruit or veggie. Late afternoon is usually yogurt. I should have bought stock in Activia before this surgery. Dinner is usually another protein and veggie. My husband is really good about cooking and there has been little I haven’t been able to eat. I just can’t eat much which is good. I still occasionally find I’ve eaten too fast and thus pass the point of fullness. Then, I ended up in the bathroom for a little adjustment.  

Psychologically, I feel fine but maybe my visit with the psychologist today will reveal something I’m not aware of. He did that to me last time. I did go to my first support group meeting last month. I missed this month due to snowy driving conditions. I didn’t get a whole lot out of the support group, but still found value in going so will try again for this month. 

I haven’t had any complications which is wonderful. I’m taking all my vitamins and gall bladder medication. I guess this couldn’t have gone any smoother. I’ll be very interested in finding out my muscle to fat ration today with the physical therapist and hopefully they take my blood pressure. The last time I had it done, it was in the super normal healthy range versus the acceptable range for an overweight person. I’d like to have my labs done, but that’s not on the agenda today. Those will come later or I may have them done at our employee health clinic if I get really obsessive about it.   

Oh! A few weeks ago, I stopped at the department store make-up counter to pick up a couple things and ask a couple questions. It turned into a full makeover session and I dared to get some more exciting eye shadow and learned some new make-up tricks. Wow, what a difference just a few adjustments can make. I feel pretty glamorous, but not overdone. It may be worth it to you to make an appointment just to get an update on make-up. The biggest tip was doing the eyes first and then putting foundation & concealer on the rest of the face after the eyes are done.   

Well, I need to leave for my appointments. TTFN!

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About Me
Salem, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2010
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