Day 9 - hopeful?

Apr 06, 2011

 So spent the entire day doing appointments. I didn't get as much protein or liquids today as I have in the past several days but don't feel too bad at all. I had my PASS appointment and am cleared for anesthesia. Had my pre-op with my surgeon and will have my surgery at 7:45am on the 12th. I have to show up to the hospital at 5:45a so that means we have to leave home by 4am. Ugh! Way early! But I will likely be discharged the next afternoon, all things going well, and will have my drains taken out before I'm d/c. Woo hoo!  
The bad of today is my GI dr STILL hadn't sent the biopsy results of my ulcer. WTF????? What is the holdup??? They've requested it so many times and I"m not entirely convinced that it's not the office losing the record instead of the GI not sending it. It didn't seem like that would be a barrier to not doing the surgery but I only have a few days to get this taken care of. SO I will be calling the GI office bright and early tomorrow am and will try not to b--- them out. 
My cat's appointment didn't go well this morning. She had an abdominal ultrasound to make sure the adenocarcinoma is gone from her intestines, and those looked fine, but the radiologist said there was some irregularities on her pancreas, possibly indicating pancreatitis. They did more bloodwork to make sure and we'll hear the results either tomorrow or Monday. BUT when we've been treating her for the past 4 months for 2 types of cancer and all other things seemed to indicate remission, this info isn't so great. 
Trying to keep positive and focus on the fact that all things seem to be "go ahead" with my surgery. I've survived all days of this liquid diet, my liver does seem doable according to my surgeon, and they're proud of how well I've done on the pre-op hurdles & diets. So..... why am I not jumping for joy? I"m calm, mildly excited about knowing how close this is, but feel like I should be happier and not so neutral. Hey, at least I'm not anxious or freaking out....


About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2011
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