I Gotta Be Me

Jan 04, 2011

If you've seen my replies to posts on this board, they tend to be really encouraging and positive. I think some might take it to mean that I'm all pie in the sky and everything is right with the world all of the time. And, that's simply not the truth. I understand that things can be going along smoothly and life will snatch you. I simply try to look for the proverbial silver lining in things. Bad things happen. That's part of life, but on the contrary good things happen too. That's what I prefer to shine my light on.

It's actually quite simple for me, when things are going bad, and I focus on the bad, I tend to feel worse. When things are going bad, and I focus on something more positive, I tend to feel better. I do have moments when I can't shake that bad feeling, and I must say those are pretty tough, but all in I try to look for the good whenever I can. Afterall, I feel there's enough negativity without me having to add my two cents. But, by the same token I understand that there are those that might find it a little annoying. Sorry about that, but just like you've got to be you. I have to be me.

May all things wondeful, happy, and healthy be yours in this new year. (That is if you want them, of course. lol.)

Peace, blessings, and happiness,

