Valentines-What Better Day to Start A Love Affair With Yourself

Feb 14, 2011

Today is Valentine’s Day. What better day to start a lifelong love affair with yourself. I believe that you have to look in the mirror and learn to love the person that’s staring back at you. Yup, flabby skin, stretch marks, knocked knees, short legs, thunder thighs, oompa loopas, gray hair, and anything else you can think of. We so often give everyone else unconditional love. But, one of the people that deserve that unconditional love the most  is ourselves. It’s definitely time for you to cut yourself some slack or at least be as encouraging of ourselves as we are of others.

So yeah, look yourself in the mirror and give yourself a great big ole hug!

You’re beautiful and more than that, you deserve it.

Loving all of me,

