Lap Band Surgery and home that Day!

Jun 10, 2010

The day began by signing in at the admissions desk.  The financial officer I spoke to on the phone for the past few months didn't write in my "notes" that he was allowing me to pay half now and half later for the surgery. 

So when I went to give the clerk my card, he said that he would not take anything but the whole amount and came SO CLOSE to canceling the surgery  that I have been waiting for the past 9 months for! 

I did some fast talking... and he finally allowed me to pay half. WHEW!!

Then, there they were...the doors that will lead me to a life that I have been dreaming about!  When I walked through those doors...the tremendous knots in my neck and shoulders immediately relaxed.  I was there sporting a new white bracelet and I was in heaven!! 

I signed some more papers and met with the guy that will put my lights out for the next hours.  What a cutie BTW!   Made me think about how fun it will feel to get back into the dating scene again! 

I woke to the sound of his voice..what a nice way to wake!  I had a very brief moment of nauseousness but was given some medicine to make that go away.

For the next 9 hours I slept on and off.  Then before I knew it, my friend came to take me home.  I am now in bed with my dog Dutchess sleeping soundly besides me.

Over all...a damn good day!!


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Manhattan ,
Aug 27, 2009
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