Re direction - Re Foucs Getting Back on TRACK

Oct 03, 2010

yes...this process has been harder than I though.  Anyone who said this process was the easy way out they are WRONG.  This process is hard.  So I have lost 96 pounds so far...trying to get to 100 pounds by 1 year anniversary.  In order to do that I have to REDirect and ReFocus.  PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN, Exercise Exercise, more snacking and staying on track.  I went back and read some of my old blogs and how focus I was in the beginning.  I don't want to loose that drive because if I do then I'll gain the weight back.  I want to stay ever conscience of this pouch I have and to be kind to it with every morsel of food that I eat.  True I can hold more but I have to also listen to the sign when my stomach tells me ENOUGH....also there is the struggle with my eyes again..just cause I see it I want it and the surgery does NOT cure that.  That starts in the mind.  Thankfully I still cannot eat any sweets and have not tried any alcohol yet so that should keep my weight down .  I just want to get to my eventually goal of 145 and weigh no more than 152.  IF I can accomplish this then I will be successful...but how will it start or should I say finish...Re direction - Re Foucs  Getting Back on TRACK

