
Mar 02, 2013

Today I'm 5 days post-op RNY and still can't believe the radical decision I've made.  I'm a by the book kind of girl that doesn't generally rock my safe little boat.  It took me years to get here and while I have no regrets about my decision I do have concerns about the long term effects of self induced malnutrition and all the loose skin from rapid weight loss.  I'm a member of a local support group well as online groups where i have been researching, reading and absorbing all the information given. I'm blessed and happy that my recovery is going as smoothly as possible.  It appears that I have developed an intolerance for Lactaid milk post surgery and I had to change to almond milk which is thicker then the other milk, i will admit that i don't care for Almond milk.  Also, the protein powder that I really liked prior to surgery, I'm no longer fond of it.  I'm back to experimenting with brands and tastes but have yet to find one that I can stomach without force.  I didn't anticipate my taste buds would change so fast soon after surgery.  Another unexpected side effect is my continuous burping which I learned today is normal; while traditionally I would complain, I'm counting my lucky stars that I don't have nausea or vomiting. On the upside, I did some Internet shopping today and got some great deals on clearance tops in smaller sizes, I know I'm a bit pretensions buying clothing that doesn't fit yet.  I will admit I'm more tired then prior to surgery but that is also a normal side effect concerning what I went through 5 days ago.  In 5 days I dropped 8lbs and overall 30lbs.  I'm concerned about returning to work march 15 because of the hours I work. It will be one day at time mentality.  


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Mar 01, 2013
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