Hard To Do

May 18, 2014

So I did something just a minute ago that was tough for me to do. I uploaded recent and current pictures of myself on here in an album. I said before I started this on here that I was going to be 110% honest with this. I want my journey to be truthful and inspiring to someone else. If I can help just one person who may have went through the same thing then it'll be worth it. I am very self conscious about myself right now so it's hard to let these pictures out there. I would appreciate NO rude or snide comments, if you have something mean to say please keep it to yourself, I'm not interested and I've heard it all anyways. I'm doing this for me, not to impress anyone else. This is to help my journey. I want to show people who are new to this site or just interested in surgery the changes I've made once I have my surgery and the only way I can do that is to have before pictures. So, Yeah lol. This is me. No hiding and no editing. I hope people respect that. I hope you all are doing good and if there is someone who is like me and are too afraid to post your pictures, I hope I can inspire you to post them. Take care guys and I hope all the ones who had surgery today, tomorrow, yesterday or recently I pray your doing awesome and are complication free! God bless, XoXo.


About Me
Feb 21, 2014
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