2 week Surgiversary and Melting Away...

Dec 21, 2010

Although my journey has had some rocky, difficult moments by and by I am feeling better. I go to my doc tomorrow so he can check on my bloatedness (my own made up word...lol) and progress. Today I woke up feeling completely refreshed and energized about the road ahead of me. I can certainly say that I was really feeling overwhelmed about everything but I am learning to go with the flow. (I can't say that I will feel the same tomorrow but hey, I'm good today so I'll take it and run with it!)

For the first time post-op, I made my children breakfast and the fact that I could not eat any did not bother me! And last night I helped my bestie with dinner and I was okay with the fact that I was not going to be consuming one morsel of it! YAY ME! Yes this a milestone for me because initially every time I smelled a meal being prepared, I would sit in my room and cry or sit around and sulk. So for me it is a milestone. I am not too proud to admit my weaknesses nor am I ashamed to be proud of my accomplishments no matter how big or small.

So far hot decaf tea seems to be the best thing for me, I can get it down and keep it down. I have always been a lover of tea and it has truly been my salvation. So my bestie and I went food shopping yesterday for the household and guess what? Yes we bought just about every interesting flavor of decaf tea that we could find! God knows I love that girl! She completely understood my need to indulge in something especially since I have given up so much of something that I so love (i.e...food).  For some reason, I haven't been able to tolerate creamy soups. The first 2 days it went down just fine but now 2 bites and I'm done. I haven't done too much in the protein department nor vitamins. My doc told me he wanted me to basically concentrate on my liquid intake, which is what I have done. 

I didn't come this far not to work the tool that was given me! I have done and will continue to do everything that my doc instructs me to do. I constantly remind myself that I didn't lay on a table and have my insides rearranged to ruin what is in store for me...a healthier, happier me!

 I'm excited to celebrate my 2 week Surgiversary! 14 days and 23 pounds gone!!!! I started at 283 lbs and I am currently at 260lbs...YESSSS!!! My tool is such a wonderful gift and I love that it is working and you better believe that I am gonna work it! Just give me some time!

Eagerly continuing my journey as I melt away to a healthier me....


About Me
Covington, GA
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2010
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