Still chugging along...

Oct 12, 2011

Well, I'm still working at it and I'm down all 13 pounds that I gained over the last year, in just two weeks!! That feels really good! I know when I went back to school I got really complacent with what and how much I put in my mouth and negected water and protein. So, after an initial week of cleansing, with just clear liquids (and sf jello/popsicles) and protein shakes (this allowed me to take a "time out" to refocus on the rules, focus on protein, and "reset" my pouch), now I have gone back to the basics with my solids. I am keeping protein high, carbs low, keeping an eye on calories/fat (having them, but not overdoing them) and focusing on better quality and smaller quantity. I am strictly sticking to the no drinking for 30 minutes before a meal, an hour after a meal (30 minutes after a shake), and focusing on getting 3+ liters a day of fluids along with my vitamins. This is really not hard, once you get the hang of it. I do have reminders on my phone and it goes off at various times throughout the day, which helps a lot.

The struggle has been to stop eating at my soft stop. I feel it, but I want to FILL my tummy up. So I am choosing to be present, enjoy my meal, pay attention and OBEY that soft stop, wether I feel like it or not. The times I don't feel like it, I stop anyway and try to address the "why". This has been hard, and dare I say, even emotional at times?!

I also struggle to "want" other things, things I am not supposed to have right now. The big bad carb monster tries to sneak in from time to time, but I know if I let him in, he will overtake me. So that is what is keeping him away right now.

My doc recommends protein shakes over snacks, and I am doing really good with this. In fact, after almost 3 1/2 years, I FINALLY found a protein I LIKE!! It's Isoflex by Allmax Nutrition . 1 scoop = 110 cals, 1 carb, 0 sugars, 27 protein! Awesome! And it tastes great! Not too sweet like some that try to cover up that whey taste. My doc also wants it blended in 4 oz liquid or less, which has been a huge problem with some other proteins. This one blends great. I'd bet I could even stir with a spoon and it would blend smooth. I've only tried two flavors, chocolate peanut butter, and chocolate. I thought the cpb was my fav, bc the choc was a tad too sweet. But then I realized that when I blend it with super warm water it tastes like a hot cocoa! bonus!

There have been a few (evenings in particular) times that I have been SUPER hungry, beyond a head hunger. Tea keeps my small hungries away, but when that doesn't work I trade 1 snack for 1 shake. I keep it high protein (usually Fage) and the stats are close to the shake, but my hungries go away. I have done this three times, and I feel like it's listening to my body more than my head.

Other than those struggles, I am plugging away. The scale is frustrating though. I lost almost twelve pounds the first week. The 1+ pound this week comes down, goes up, comes down, goes up. I think my body is protesting, so I try to be patient, not discouraged. I wait it out! And I drink more water lol.

I'm interested to talk to my doc and see what he has to say about everything too. What I'm doing right, what else I need to work on, what my labs look like.

I am learning a lot. I am learning to shut up and listen. I am sort of eavesdropping on the boards, unless I pop in a little here and there. I have a LONG way to go. I hate that I have this struggle. But I have found that struggles strengthen! And empower. And this is no exception.


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