What I thought was a 6 month wait....

May 29, 2012

Suddenly changed to a 3 month wait! 

Now, for those of you who've been down this road before, you know how excited I am that my time is HERE!  I thought I'd have to endure another steaming hot summer under all this extra flab, but alas!  I went for my weigh in last week with Dr. Roller (down 3.5 by the way!) and Dr. K. Roller told me that BCBS of AR changed their insurance requirements.  They now allow a 3 month wait for eligible patients.  With a BMI of 45, obesity related conditions and support from my medical doctor, my psychiatrist (newly acquired, but i WILL continue to see him after my sx.  I need help with things and I want to do everything right this time.) Plus the fact that I've lost 4.5 lbs since the end of February is a good sign. 

So i'm going to be spending more time on here.  I'm going to try to make friends here, friends that understand me, can give me pointers, and will understand my frustrations or fears when no one else in my family can. 

Remember?  i'm the thick one.

I will say this.  I have the most supportive family a girl could ever ask for.  Seriously!  No, I don't have a significant other to support me, but I have my parents and my brother and his fiance, i've got my best friend of 25 years, my other best friend of 15 years and my trans continental sister (okay, she's my pen pal) giving me so much support I feel like I could touch the sky.  My MOM cried when I told her about the change in the insurance thing. 

For the first time in my ENTIRE LIFE (and most especially lately) ....things are going my way.  and you know what?  I'm not waiting on the other shoe to drop.  I've got wings.  And when surgery time comes around, I'll be flying.  There'll be no need for shoes. 

With love to all

(please, someone out there tell me what I need to do to make friends on here? I'm a little lost, but need to get my rear in gear!!  I'm a great listener, wonderful friend, and confidant.  If i were about 35 years older, I could be on The Golden Girls...I'd probably be Rose....i'm a little scatter brained.)

Oh, right CW: 241.2


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2012
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 32
