Month 8 Progress Report

Jan 11, 2010

Well it's been 8 months now. I am feeling great! I am wrestling with the same 5 lbs (up and down). I am experimenting with different types of protein to see which gives me better results. I am exercising every day and I enjoy it so much. I have about 20-30 more lbs to lose, so hopefully I will find the magic combination of food/exercise and get them off. I am happy with myself and my progress. I am also proud that I am making different choices about food. I am responding to stress, sadness, frustration in different ways now, ways that are not related to eating the first sweet thing in sight. I'll post my progress again next month. Until then, I found a nice quote that I will share with you below. Happy New Year my friends!!

Happiness keeps You Sweet, 
 Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing!

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