Finally some sort of progress

Jul 10, 2011

So after waiting TWO months I finally met with my surgeon for my first consultation on July 7th.  After the NUT took my weight and all of my measurements I got to meet with Dr. Whipple.. aka Dr. McDreamy.  He's so cute lol.

Of course I got the regular spiel about being the perfect candidate and because I could explain to him everything about the surgery I claimed the title of "patient of the day" .  So all I have to do is meet with the psych, the NUT, take an exercise class, a gastric bypass class, do an Upper GI test, a thyroid blood test and of course the H. PYlori test (which I've already done and passed!).

The day after I saw the surgeon I went to my primary doc so he could put in the referrals for my blood test and Upper GI series.  Blood test was done the same day and the Upper GI is scheduled for July 27th!  I'm actually excited the drink the nasty stuff and have the GI series done... oh the things we're willing to do in order to have this surgery LOL.

Now to scrape together the 350 for the psych and the 275 program fee... ugggh... anyone know of any strip clubs hiring for big gurls????

But I'm slowly progressing and hope to be on the losers' bench soon!

*HUGS to you all*


About Me
Fort Stewart, GA
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2009
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