Over and done, Praise God!

Jun 17, 2012

I wrote a post about 2 months ago or maybe 9 weeks. I stated how my stomach had blown up to where I looked pregnant and had gained from 138 to 155.  I told the story about all the things I thought it was, IBS, gas/flatulent, lactose intolerant, Celiac's Disease...I asked if anyone could give me an idea about what it could be, if it could be from the RNY of 2008. You came up with many ideas. One of you scolded me for letting myself get heavy again, someone else said to have an endoscopy, colonoscopy, all kinds of hospital tests. Another told me it could be gall stones. Another told me to check with my gyno.  A few weeks later, I went to my med dr who did simple stomach xray and announced I had gall stones.  I went furter to my gastroenterologist who noted I had gained 19 pounds in just over a year. He gave me blood tests to do and ordered two PT scans. Did the blood that morning and that Saturday, had the PT scans. He called me on Monday morning to tell me I had a basketball sized ovarian mass in me. He had been in touch with my gyno and said to call him for app. Two days later, I saw him and he ordered more blood and an ultrasound.  He said he recommended that a doctor friend he knew at Fox Chase Cancer Center do the surgery. Said she was very busy, could be 6 or 7 weeks before I could get in to see her. He called her to ask her to take my case, I called the hospital. The next Monday, May 14, I was in her office. Both doctors thought it was most likely a cyst (benign)because it grew quickly, was VERY large and it was smooth (tumors are usually spikey and rough) but the FC doctor said there could be some border cells on the outside. She gave me a date of May 30 to have the surgery. Meanwhile, the thing in me grew to a 'good bit larger than basketball sized'.  I weighed 162.6 just before the surgery. The entire cyst, both ovaries, uterus, cervix and appendix were removed through a 4 inch incisionbelow my navel, closed up by 13 staples. I got through it and returned home two days after surgery. Did very well and never used pain meds on coming home. By the first week, I weighed 141. 5 days later and still at this time, I weigh 136 pounds. Everything was completely nonmalignant, praise God!  I feel great and am back to wearing my size 4s and 6s in slacks/shorts and S to M blouses. Very happy gal here. Just wanted to let you know what happened at the end of the story. Thank all of you who recommended/gave ideas of what it could be. You got the ball rolling for me. I no longer look like Kate Goslin just before she gave birth to the sextuplets! (Three different people asked me when I was due and if it was multiples. Sure glad it wasn't...I am almost 67 years old!) 


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