Dim Sum, anybody?

Aug 10, 2010

Hello, 80lbs down, 3 months out.  Life is becoming very interesting.  Moving is much easier.   I can't express how free I feel now.  Food has been my best friend,worst enemy, comforter, shadow, everything except what its supposed to be - fuel.  now i'm learning to relegate it to its proper positon.  no longer endowing it with human abilities (friend? enemy????) its become a thing I do to take care of my body.  I'm living what I call a dim sum life!!  Dim Sum means "little bites".  For those of you who don't know about dim sum - here is the Wikipedia definition:  "Dim sum is the Cantonese term for a type of Chinese dish that involves small individual portions of food, usually served in a small steamer basket or on a small plate."  I look forward to my small portions of food that taste so good and are nourishing for my body.  And for the rest of my life, living the "dim sum" life is what I want to do.  I wish I could share my sense of joy and freedom with everyone.   Thanks for reading and welcome to my "dim sum" world. cheers, Susan


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St. Catharines, XX
Apr 07, 2008
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