3 Days till Surgery!

Jun 07, 2013

I'm very anxious as the time is quickly ticking away to Surgery day.  At the same time, I'm also feeling like the days are dragging.  I have so much to do and yet I feel like I've not had time to do the things I need to do.  I am racking my brain trying to make sure I pack everything for my surgery and what I need to leave out at my Mom's for when I come to her house after surgery.  I've done really well abiding by the pre-op diet rules.  It tells me I can do this and I'll be fine. 

Yesterday the surgeon's office called to push my arrival time back from 11:30 to 2:30.  Ugh!  As if I'm not stressing enough and ready to get this done.  Sunday I go on a all clear liquid diet and then nothing to eat or drink after midnight.  I will take my two blood pressure meds (one in the morning and one in around 12ish) with a sip of water but that's it.  I have had so much support and encouragement from various folks at work.  It means so much.  Having support not only in my home, and family life but in my work life, from friends, and my church family means the world to me. 

I keep reading more of the posts folks have made from the Gastric Sleeve Facebook pages I'm members of.  Reading what other folks are experiencing and how they cope helps prepare myself for what's going on and getting ready to happen.  I'm going to do fantastic.  I will keep my head up and keep focused on the future.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 14, 2013
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