My journey

Jun 07, 2012

June 7, 2012:        I started my journey in spring of 2010 by asking for a referral from my doctor.  It took a year and a half to get a referral to Toronto.  On July 6, 2011 I had my orientation followed by appointments with the nurse practitioner and social worker on Sept 22, 2011.  In Nov of 2011 I attended a nutrition class.  I was scheduled to attend an appointment with the dietitian and psychologist in Dec but due to the distance to travel and weather, I opted for a video conference appointment.  Waited and waited and never received a call.  In February I called the hospital to see what was happening and since the weather was getting better asked for an appointment in Toronto.  On April 11, 2012 I met with the dietitian and psychologist.  Now I'm still waiting and haven't heard anything else. 
The waiting is hard.  It plays with my mind.  Makes me wonder if I'm making the right decision.  I've watched many programs of obese people going through the surgery and then they have all this excess skin to deal with.  I've never been one to exercise and everyone says you need to in order to help with the weight loss. 
I look at all the before and after photos and wonder if I'll ever be there.  So the journey continues. 


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Jun 03, 2012
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