
Mar 31, 2010

I really guess I should give my reasons why I want WLS. I've been overweight most of my life. Done all the diets.....up then down then up. I had scolosis (curvature of the spine) when I was a kid and had surgery to correct it when I was 13 years old. They placed Harrington rods and fused several discs. I am now 48 years old and the areas above and below the rods has curved. I now have a 1inch lift in my left shoe and use a cane to ambulate at all times. I am in pain every single day . It's even worse when I try to do the simplest of things. Like bending over to pick up a piece of paper......frustrating. Now in addition to all of the back stuff I've found out , in the last year, that I have arthritis in my hips so bad that the joints have begun to fuse, None of the ortho docs will even think of touching me at 100lbs over my normal weight. I want my life back. I have a great guy in my life and one of the reasons I wanted to be with him was because he likes to go places and do things like I do. All of this happend .....I lost my job in 06' due to back problems......finally got disability in 08'. Things have been going down hill with my health and mobility ever sense. I'm really to get this extra weight off and live my life with him the way I want. With the freedom to move around. So wish me luck and say a prayer. I hope what ever goals you wish for you find at your door.


About Me
Wirtz, VA
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2004
Member Since

Latest Blog 8
