back at ya!

Jan 30, 2010

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I'm hope you're well and losing!  

Thanks for making me younger but I guess I better set the record straight...I almost didn't  but I'm the older one. I'm 52. I just try not to act it!! 

Yes, I think we will benefit from the amount of people having bariatric surgeries nowadays. It's making the doctors more experienced. I'm really surprised by how many young people are having wls and they don't seem nervous at all!! Ahh youth.
As to your scrambling letters, I have no such good reasons -I think I back space to delete and make changes more than I go forward some days!! On the computer and in daily life!! Hit 52 and can't remember anything anymore. Notes are my friends!! As long as I don't lose them.. than yikes!.

The surgeons say the only thing out there that will build bones is a medication called Forteo. I guess the others just help stop the process of bone deterioration. The surgeons (neuro and osteopathic) refuse to do my husband;s spine surgery until he's on it for three months and hopefully it would work. It's very expensive. Our Insurance refuses to pay for it and we can't afford to. A nurse is checking on prescription assistance but I'm not sure if we will qualify since I tried to work a lot of overtime last year to pay our medical bills. Catch 22.. We're waiting to hear back on it.  My husband was on a sample for awhile, It caused an increase in his pain and weakness. Unfortunately, his pain is at 7 or 8 daily (scale of 1 to 10) without being on Forteo or additional activity. His primary doctor won't increase his medication. He needs a new doctor who isn't afraid to manage his pain. Thank you, we do appreciate your prayers.

Thanks for your vitamin information. I quizzed my husband on his vitamins. He's now taking the D3 1000iu and the B12 twice a day and said he feels like it helps him. I also gave him some Multi's to take twice a day. He's taking the calcium citrate and iron with D. I'll have to get some Vitamin C tomorrow not sure about K.  No one has checked on his vitamin levels in years. His doctor doesn't even do physicals much less blood tests (bad). He was treated him for inflammation for a year and finally, I pushed for an MRI -he had to have his hip replaced. Than he had to have the other one replaced. He's had 6 surgeries within five years. Now his spine is deteriorating and he needs scoliosis surgery (they say its a 9 hour high risk surgery). His primary doctor doesn't want him for a patient and doesn't want to give him medications. One Orthopedic surgeon said he was too high risk for surgery and got rid of him by sending him to two pain clinics. Both of the pain clinics refused to take him as a patient (after finding out their moneymaker injections don't help him) and they both sent him back to his primary doctor. The primary doctor at first refused to take him back, he ran out of pain meds so we ended up at emergency. The P,A, gave him some emergency pain meds, called his primary dr and wonder of wonders he got a call saying he had an appointment with the primary doctor.  Now, grudgingly gives him a small amount but it doesn't control his pain. Unfortunately, we don't know a better one who would take him as a patient. Sorry I went on and on...thanks for listening. 

Also, thanks for the vote of confidence my way on the wls. I'm trying not to obsess but it does worry me. It's such a permanent change and hoping all goes smoothly. I have 11 days for the surgery and to recuperate, than I need to go back to work. Stressing a little. Trying to stay focused on what I need to get done prior to surgery. I've been trying out my bariatric food samples (many are pretty yucky!)  Maybe they'll taste better if I'm hungry enough! They're better than the stuff my husband had in 2004 though.I get the bariatric food on Feb.3rd.and start my two week pre-op diet... hmmm not looking forward to losing my food! It feels like I'm saying goodbye forever so I went in to the before and after pictures to encourage myself!...It helped. I have to stay focused on the long term gain vs short term pain! I'll have to warn my husband to tread gently!!

Hope you're doing well on the losing bench. Stay in touch. It's nice to hear from you.

Take care,
Terri (aka Teresa)    


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Dec 30, 2009
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