Psych (Psycho?) Evaluation - Dr. Van Haveren

Feb 16, 2013

I  really wasn't looking forward to this office visit because I didn't really know what to expect. I know I'm a tad bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs at times but I feared he may think that I'm an outright LOON! lol Well, I get there and during our talk/Q&A session, I just can't read him that well! This is really bothering me because I have a problem with not being in control. Here I am in a situation in which he actually could deny me or even prolong the process from me getting my surgery. 

Well, we finish the 'talk' and now I must complete the online evaluation and a paper eval. The online eval was the absolute worse! It's so many questions to answer AND they ask you the same question in 500 different ways! To say the eval was annoying would be an understatement. Finally finished and Dr. Van Haveren told me he would send his evaluation to Dr. Hart the following week. 

The wait begins ... constantly wondering if he will think I'm crazy! Hell, I think that I'm normal but he as a professional may see and/or hear something off! indecision

