Day 5 post op update

Aug 26, 2013

Holy cow! I lived! The first night after surgery was .... well, let's say I wondered if I hadn't taken a grave misstep. However, after a boatload of morphine and gravol, all was well and I was clearly recovering - home after 2 days in hospital, as per usual.

I call my pouch "Rooney" (english for Roux en Y), and she's a fussy wee thing. She doesn't like to go from empty to having even the littlest of sips so while being able to sleep 4 hours straight feels so great, Rooney's not a happy girl when I wake up and try to put some water in her.

My stapled sutures (5, most under 1" in length) are healing well and I'm told that the staples will be removed at my 2 week checkup with my family doctor (Sep 6).

I'm still on clear fluids, which is okeydokey by me! I certainly don't feel ready for anything else.

Luckily, I have paid time off work, so I'm enjoying the laying around reading, sitting around watching movies without worrying about how fast I'm healing (or not) because it's not tied directly to the level in my bank account. And I'm sincerely grateful for that. Today though, I'm going to try to walk around the block. It's going to be a little while before I can get back into my gym routine and I don't want to start allllll over again!

Mostly, I'm still amazed I actually did this. Recently I read on facebook somewhere "Do something today your future self will thank you for." This was what I had in mind as I walked into the surgery suite and laid down on the table. "I'm doing today, something my future self will thank me for." I think this will be my motto for the next while.

Cheerio and Thanks for all Your Support, Light and Love,

What a grand bunch of people I've met on this journey. Hoping all is well in OH Land,



About Me
Stratford, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2011
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