Gotta deal with food addiction

May 16, 2013

  I'm not eating right, I'm struggling big-time. I know the Bariatric surgery is a tool and I will be on a restricted diet for the rest of my life, but I still have to deal with food addition. I see a TV commercial, picture, or think of foods I like and my mouth starts watering and I crave tasting that food. I've been at several family feast events, and after seeing/smelling the food, I begin a battle of trying to tweak my stomach pouch limitations so I can have some of that food. Until the end of May I am limited to 3 oz. pureed meals, and believe me that's all my pouch can hold. It makes me dump if I eat too much or if the food is fried (like chicken, or bacon)  . Even though I bought a blender, I insist that I can still eat regular food if I "puree" it by chewing it good with my teeth! I've never been into cooking; only went for fixing something quick, or getting something already prepared--instant gratification. Potato chips, cookies, ice cream, and chocolate candy are things I've always snacked and ate as meals. They are the "trigger foods" that I can no longer have in my home! My Bariatric program provides counselors, dietitians, nurses, doctors--anything I need. Looks like I better make an appointment to see a counselor ASAP! (May 16, 2013)


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