Pre-Surgery Appointments commence next week

Mar 14, 2013

Next week I meet with the nutritionist and I also go for a sleep study. The wheels are turning. Medical Insurance seems to be covering everything even my meeting with the  nutritionist. I feel blessed. 

My menu for the family is almost complete. We all had a little talk about some of the foods we eat now and how we will be having less of some of them. I want everyone to understand that we have to eat healthy more than we eat unhealthy. I won't deny them good foods in moderation. I just won't. There are dishes that I will save for their Sunday dinners and will space them throughout the year. Everyone has a lot of physical activity here but me. I'm in pain all the time and spend much of my time just managing my pain. I start physical therapy in a few weeks and hope that I can use this as my spring board for after my surgery. 

I have now completed three days in my meal diary. I am not listing calories. I list everything I eat, giving estimate quantities and also emotions/cravings. When I hit seven days of this, I'm going to start including calories, fat, protein and fiber. I hope the routine gets to be second nature, as of now it's tedious. I do it though because this is what I must do. I will not mess this up. 



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Mar 06, 2013
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