Follow through.

Apr 10, 2013

From 4-1 to 4-7 I took three more walks, and this week I have already taken one walk, and will meet my goal of three by Saturday. Friday we plan on going fishing and I will walk afterwards along the lake. 

I haven't been having too much trouble with my food, I've lost some weight but I don't think I'll lose this week as I completely go full on to my 2 week presurgical diet Monday April  15. I've been integrating with smaller portions and protein shakes but have had a few things that definitely go over the no more than 3 g fat, 20 g Carb, and meets enough protein to get my total in for the day all in just a couple tablespoons. 

I started this last night, but became utterly exhausted and couldn't see straight. I'm rested this morning and ready to read this entire binder I've been given by our Bari. Program. I do not have my surgical date yet. I had hoped to get it yesterday but all of the reports I was counting on being present for my appointment did not make it there even though I was diligent in calling and hounding these offices to fax the information. I took one more test in fact yesterday afternoon and that was my Pulm. Function Test. Had the most awesome tech for that and she used to work with my surgeon actually. Turns out he's quite a guy and a total ring leader for the teams he works with. I love his aura and I'm told he even sings at their patient dinners and such. Class act and excellent in his field. I'm happy with my choice to have him do my surgery. Skills + Excellent Bedside Manner = Success in my book. Also the hospital staff and the programs staff are all amazing people. 

I can't remember everything I wanted to say, but I know that I'm in the home stretch now and its just a matter of all of the information being in one place finally. I've used my cpap for 8 days now and have been more active and done more exercise than I have in several years. My mood is improving and the ups and downs are not so frequent, steady feelings and just a little emotional once in a while because I'm a passionate person. I feel solid in my decisions and keep looking forward to moving more and doing more as the weight comes off. 

My ability to cope with all of these things has been helped immensely by not only this community but a Facebook support group as well. I have yet to attend any at the hospital, but this will come post op. without a doubt because there are checkpoints I would like to reach and say, hey I did this - and I will continue to do this because this is my life we're talking about here! 

Have  a good day everyone. 


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Mar 06, 2013
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