One Week Post-op

Nov 09, 2011

 Today I had my post-op with Dr. Moein.  I was so thrilled that they removed the drain, that thing was so annoying.  I'm allergenic to medical tape so it was not fun having to where the dressing.  I still need to for a week but the nurse was kind enough to give me that plastic stuff which is so much better anyway.  I am happy to report that I have lost 16 lbs since October 3rd.  The doctor thought I had lost that much since surgery and was concerned but  I had lost weight pre-surgery.  I am feeling really well, minor pain on my left side every now and then. I'm on full liquids now and so far so good.  I crush my meds and take them with sugar free pudding - which makes me feel sort of guilty but not all at the same time.   I'm walking  at least 20 minutes twice a day.  My mom and Brooks have been doing awesome at taking care of me. My mom made me some homemade soups, purred of course. She took off work this week since Brooks couldn't and she makes sure I walk,  eat and stay hydrated. This week I also started taking my MVI and Citrical.  I was really nervous from having a bad experience with  crushed meds at the hospital & at home.  I had tried applesauce but that didn't stay down, the pudding works though.  Getting in 64 oz of water is also tricky.  I have an 8oz bottle that I fill every hour and keep track.  I mix in crystal lite, tea and protein water too.  For some reason since my surgery I have been craving an AP (iced tea lemonade).  Tonight we stopped at Starbucks and was thrilled to learn that their passion fruit tea lemonade is caffiene and sugar free.  I added a splenda and was in heaven!  They though I was a little odd though when I asked for a bigger cup to put it in since I can't use a straw.  Oh well - I was a very happy person.  I have to say that I'm getting a little bored and stir crazy being home so much.  So today I made a list of things to work on - books to read, sewing to finish, work work I can do.  And since the weather is nice I can get outside to walk and get fresh air.


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Feb 10, 2010
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