
Jan 06, 2010

Well I finally went to my appointment with my surgeon to figure out why I could not keep food or fluids down. It was not good news. I developed a stricture at the base of my pouch. Yesterday I went to the gastro Dr and he did and upper GI endoscopy. My stricture had swollen to a pin whole size which from what he explained to my husband (while I was out cold) is pretty bad. They dialated it out to the size of a dime which should allow me to keep down a clear liquid diet for now. I go back next week for the second endoscopy to stretch it a little bit more which is supposed to allow me to progress back to eating puree and soft foods again. It never fails that if something is going to go wrong it is going to happen to me. I guess it could be worse though and I could have been stuck living my life in a body that was way too big for my own good. I am doing my very best to keep my thoughts on the end of the tunnel instead of dwelling on the setbacks. Trust me though.....for anyone worrying if they have developed a stricture.....take my word for it you will know without a doubt if you have a stricture or not. No need to worry until you have trouble keeping food down. Some vomiting is normal with certain foods but if it is more than once or twice a day you should make an appointment with your doctor.


About Me
Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2007
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