Monthly post running late

Dec 01, 2010

So, since I had my surgery I have faithfully posted once a month just as an update on my progess, but for some reason I forgot to post for November.  Besides the fact that I have been overly busy this past month, I also have not lost any weight in the past 3 weeks. I have truely hit my first stall and it bites the big one-hard! The really bad part is, last week was Thanksgiving. And as much as I am glad that I didn't gain any weight, I would like to still be losing. Even a pound would make me happy at this point, but I get none-nothing. To make matters even worse, Christmas is only 3 weeks away. I don't know if I want to even think about that. All the food, food & more food, every where I go. At home, at work. It's making me crazy. I think, for the most part I eat really well. Protein, protein, protein & avoid carbs as much as possible. But I lack on my fluids & supplemets.  And exercise in non-existant. I really have less time than ever to exercise. I am down to the last two weeks of this semester and it is crazy at how much stuff I have to do. 2 major papers, 2 presentations. I could just vomit. That doesn't include working 12 hours nights, no sleep and teaching a 16 hr PALS class this weekend. Did I mention the mountain of gifts that need wrapping or the christmas cards that need to be sent out. Oh yeah, and I forgot the 4 kids that think they need my undivided attention at all times. Sometimes I think my life can not get any more difficult, but life keeps finding more ways to send me more stress. How much can one women take? I am ready for a long break, a rest, anything where I can relax and not have to think about anything. Can I just go on autopilot for the rest of December Please???? Ok well, I didn't think so, I know I will get through it, just would like to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just can't yet.


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