RNY Four days out

May 26, 2014

I am four days out. One of my incisions is leaking clear stuff with blood mixed in it. I tried to cover it with a gauze pad but it just leaked right through and back on to another outfit. I am not stressing about it. I know that things are going to happen. It isn't discolored (like yellow or brown) and the discharge does not smell at all. I guess I am fine. The area is white around that incision and it is swollen more than the other incisions.

My throat is sore from the tube they had down my throat and every once in a while I get some unexpected phlegm coughing up. Again, I have not worried too much about it.

I am walking often out on my patio and drinking as much as I can without becoming uncomfortable.

I have been taking my temperature periodically since I got home just so I can nip anything in the bud. No fevers.

Three pounds of the surgery gain has come off already. I am not worried about that at all.

No BM yet. I started taking the Colace yesterday.

As always, I am tracking every single thing in MyFitnessPal, including my walking, although I am not going very far yet. When I walk too much I get a feeling like a side stitch where that leaky incision is.

I guess you could say I am carefree and oblivious at this point. I am just so glad to be on the "loser's bench." I know that in a week everything will be different.

My friends have been super supportive since I wrote a nice detailed blog yesterday on Facebook. I wanted to detail every step of my journey to railroad as many negative comments as I could. Thankfully, so far, I have not received one negative response. I was really surprised on one hand but on the other hand, I know I have terrific friends. The friends I have met on OH are most awesome, of course!

So, all-in-all how do you think I am doing?


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2014
Member Since

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