My 1st Week After RNY

May 30, 2014

It has been one week already since RNY. I seem to be progressing on schedule. I did not experience too much pain at all; soreness, if anything. I do have Dilaudid on hand, if needed. I think I only took 2 or 3 Dilaudid since I came home on Saturday.  My sutures no longer seep. My tiny bandages are coming off already (We are asked to not remove them, but to let them fall off on their own.). I can walk without that side stitch pain I had the first few days. I am getting all 800 calories/75 grams of protein in daily, as well as my vitamins/minerals. No vomiting (knock on wood!). It is a must to take a Colace or two every day and throw in some Gas-X Strips, if I want to be comfortable. I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but for now I really like watching to see how this goes. By the 5th day, the surgery gain was gone and the scale began to move in a downward direction. I am going to step up my walking today. Tomorrow I begin stage II, which is pureed foods. I plan to spend a lot of time at Relay for Life tomorrow. I am sure I will be doing a lot of walking. My only complaint since the surgery has been this runny nose. It is not too bad...just kind of annoying. It drips into my throat and causes me to cough mostly when I am walking. When I have my follow-up next month, I will bring it up to the surgeon. I have a feeling it isn't something they can do anything about. Grim said it is probably because of the vagus nerves being cut.

Before I started my pre-surgery diet, I could not put on a pair of 30/32 jeans any longer. About two months later those jeans were on and comfortable. This morning I was able to pull on 26/28 jeans. Oh did that feel great! I took them off though and put some stretch pants on. I don't want to mess up my tummy while it is healing by squeezing into jeans. I know they are there though and began a pile of clothes in the corner of the room that are now too big. Bye bye 30/32 and 4x/5x!

In a nutshell, this first week was awesome. When I went in for surgery, I was 330. After surgery, I was 337.6. This morning, just one week after surgery, I am 323.4.

OMG I just noticed my BMI is now 59! I started at 70!

I cannot stop smiling!!


PS When I stocked up on vitamins for surgery, I ordered three boxes of Calcet Creamy Bites. Big mistake. In the beginning, I was like mmmmm chocolate. After a few days, I was like UGH! NOT THIS AGAIN! I can't even look at them so I am sending the remaining back for return. I picked up Citracal Petites tonight. They are small coated tablets. I am not having too much trouble with pills at all. I take them one at a time. Before the surgery, I made the mistake of asking my doctor to replace a capsule with a liquid on one of my medicines. I cannot stand the peppermint taste of that medicine liquid either. Now I have to ask for tablets and hope they will prescribe that for me. Lesson learned.


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Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2014
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