5 days to Surgery ....

Mar 03, 2010

Had my pre-op yesterday. 

All fine - BP - 120/70, had an ECG which was fine and provides a base-line figure if there are any problems.

Saw the anaethetist and was reassured as he was very thorough, also met a patient co-ordinator who took me through what to expect - all as expected except that he didn't think I would need much pain control after surgery - will see - maybe it's different because I'm comparing it against my hysterectomy which was open surgery not key hole.

The anaethatist wants me to remove my contact lenses for surgery (never had to remove them before as I wear them for 30 days then change them including sleeping in them) - this will be fun (NOT) - I am blind as a bat without them and have not used my glasses for at least 5 years so will probably be very disorientated without my lenses in !

My surgery involves my gall bladder removal too, so the sleeve will only be done if there are no problems with the gall bladder removal - I'm not anticipating any problems but guess I should be prepared just in case they wake me up and say that they have not been able to do both surgeries.  I think the chances are very low - and I will be extremely disappointed, but guess I have to leave it to the surgeon to do the right thing.

My surgery is at 8 am so I have to be at the hospital at 6 am - no food and drink after midnight which is fine. Will be in hospital between 1 -4 nights depending on which surgery I have (1 for gall bladder) up to 4 for the sleeve and gall bladder.

Andy is getting worried about my surgery and instead of talking about it is keeping it bottled up as I guess most men to - it doesn't make it any easier as he is now snappy.  At least his parents are here still - they fly home on the morning of my op so we have plenty to do to keep us busy before then - although I may duck out one day and have a day to myself relaxing - maybe get a facial or something.

Had my roots touched up last night too as I don't want to have that lovely white/silver stripey look after surgery - vain I know !

Off to the beach today and then to the new Meydan horse racing stadium tonight which will be different.

That's it for now

Take Care

