1 more day to Surgery - 2 sleeps

Mar 06, 2010

Hi all - well I am now getting excited that my surgery is only 1 day away !

Have just cleared out my kitchen drawers and cupboards to make room for my protein shakes, broth and kool aid etc and also found space for my small kitchen blender and storage pots - I remember back to when I had my hysterectomy and it was so much nice to have every thing around me when I got home.

Just been to the pharmacy and stocked up on waterproof plasters, chewable calcium.

When hubbie gets home tonight I will get him to take my measurements and also to take some pics - think I will be brave and do some in underwear and some in clothes so I get a good idea of my progress later - won't be great having the pics done but I want to use this as inspirtation so that I never go back to how I am now again.

Went out for dinner on the creek last night - was really lovely - an all you can eat buffet - and I didn't go mad - just one plateful and a few small desserts.  We are having a BBQ tonight on our balcony - we are on the 31st floor so have great views over Dubai, the marina and the sea so that will be lovely - have decided tonight is my last night on alcohol before my op so will make the most of it as I really love a chilled glass of white wine.

Busy day tomorrow - out for lunch with my sister in law then out for a last night dinner with Andy's parents as the fly home Tuesday am.

So will pack either later or tomorrow and before I know it I'll be done and out the other side.

Wish me luck !


