What a difference a week makes - Nip & Tuck update

May 01, 2011

Wow - just 1 week ago I was having plastic surgery for a tummy tuck and breast lift and if I'm honest, when I came around after a long 13 hour surgery - I wondered what on earth I had done to myself and was feeling pretty rough.

Now 1 week later, I have to say that I'm feeling much better - I've had a shaky couple of days as you can read in my previous posts - but today feel like I've turned a corner for the better.  Of course, I know I could go right around another corner and feel crappy again - but I'll take each day as it comes and deal with it.

I had my follow up appt with my surgeon today I explained about my fainting earlier this week and they decided to do my consult in a hospital room rather than the consulting room in case I fainted again - they also offered to get a nurse to help me shower - and yes - I took up the offer.

I had a very quick but lovely shower - I did feel very lightheaded and had to be supported whilst I showered but boy was it good to feel clean.  The surgeon said maybe I tried to shower to quick (probably true) and that I should have rung them when it happened as they would have helped - I said I was so wiped out that all I wanted to do was go to bed and sleep which I did.  All my vitals are ok today, so hopefully Saturday was just an off day and I can move forward.

The surgeon checked my progress and was pleased with how everything is healing - he removed some stitches and has asked me to go back again on Thursday for a further follow up.  Thankfully I was allowed to ditch the surgical compression stockings and feel so much better without them.  He'll check me for a smaller compression garment in the next week or so.

We got talking about my recovery etc and he explained that the surgery I've just had is major surgery and I have to admit that I had underestimated the impact of this on me - thinking that as I've had an open hysterectomy, gall bladder removal and VSG surgery before - this would be a walk in the park for recovery.   I guess in my head I always think of cosmetic surgery being less invasive than other types  of surgery because the surgeon doesn't go too deep into the body.  Also it's partly the fault of TV shows such as Dr 90210 and the bridal show I've been watching where contestants win plastic surgery as prizes - where the whole impact of surgery and recovery seems to be trivialised and glamorised.

So - all in all - I'm feeling much better today - maybe it was getting the shower, maybe it was being reassured that everything is healing fine, maybe it was my first trip out of the house - who knows - I just know I FEEL GOOD and once the bruises and swelling subside and fairly sure I'm gonna LOOK GOOD TOO !

