Wow - come so far in 3 weeks - Nip & Tuck Phase 1

May 16, 2011

I can't believe how much difference 3 weeks makes in terms of healing post cosmetic surgery. 

3 weeks ago yesterday I had a tummy tuck with some lipo on my hips and a breast lift and I am so pleased with the results so far, even though I'm still swollen and wearing compression garments.  Here's a few pics taken this morning during a rare moment outside of my compression garment.  I can see that I'm shaping up nicely. 

I had a follow up consultation today and so far so good, there is still some swelling to go down (apparently I won't see the  final shape etc for another couple of months or so) and a minor healing issue at the T junction on my belly where there is tension on the incision (unfortunately I didn't have enough belly to remove to allow my original belly button to be completely removed).

I'm now moving into the stage where I'll start using a silicon gel during the day and silicon gel sheet overnight on my scars.  In addition I have a round wedgie sort of thing in my new belly button to help shape my belly button (who knew you would have to do this ?? - apparently if you don't the scar will contract and change the shape).

Nutrition wise, I'm aiming for 150g of protein per day - which seems to be a full time eating hobby (never thought I'd say that !) - on most days it's doable.  I've relaxed my carbs and am eating some fruit as snacks and the odd piece of toast as I feel that I want to provide my body with some additional nutrition for healing - I'm holding my weight at 164lbs so this seems to be working.  I don't want to lose any more at the moment as I'm sure I will lose some more on my next surgery which is only 4 weeks away and I'm only 5lbs away from my goal of 159lbs.

I'm taking the following supplments : Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Multivit, Vit D, Vit B12 so am on a schedule for these.

Energy wise - I'm still quite tired - probably a mixture of healing and the fact that I'm not sleeping that well - still not really got the knack of sleeping on my back - but am sure it will go better - in the meantime I'm napping when I need to.

Size wise - I think I'll end up a UK 12 once the swelling has gone down - that's a US 8 which is more than fine by me.  I will have to buy a few bits of clothes for now - I can step out of my pyjama bottoms now as they wiggle down my hips to the floor - often - and without notice which is not attractive !

I had 2lbs of excess skin removed from my tummy - not a huge amount, but enough to remove the overhand which I was not happy with and the lipo has made my hips blend in really well.  I can't wait to get my arms and thighs done - I really think that these two will make a huge difference to my overall shape.

Headwise - it still feels strange to see me in the mirror - my tummy is washboard flat and my breasts are higher than I ever seem to have had them before and smaller too - they are now in proportion to my new body and are nice and 'pert' rather than empty, flat and pointing south !  (NOTE TO SELF : I wonder if you can still mesmorise a man with smaller boobs in the same way that you can with larger ones?? Or whether I'll ever be talking to a man only to find out that he's talking to my breasts !! - will have to conduct some research and let you know !)  I'm sure it will take me a while yet to really see myself at the shape and size that I am - I can see that I am smaller in the mirror and can feel it in so many ways - I feel more confident, more sexy and am certainly more agile - BUT I still head to the oversize part of the shop first when clothes shopping and often have to return stuff because it's too big !! - plenty of time for this to sink in yet.

3 Weeks - Nip & Tuck

