Arm Lift pics - 3 weeks post surgery

Jul 02, 2011

With all the focus on my thigh lift recovery and hematoma saga, I've been somewhat distracted and not really posted anything much about my arms lift which I also had done 3 weeks ago today.

I have to say the arm lift is such an easy recovery - once again - my surgeon said they would not be too painful - and once again he was proved right - though I told him that maybe he should have a surgery one of these days so that he knows how it feels to be recovering ! - this was in response to him saying "I know, I know" - when I was saying a few mega "OUCH THAT H.U.R.T.S !" curses to him when he was draining my hematoma the other day (I vaguely remember swatting his arm away from me too - oops sure your not supposed to hit your surgeon !).

Anyway, the arms - really are not too difficult a recovery - the first few days it's difficult as your range of movement is restricted and it's difficult to do things for yourself (or you have to be reminded that you really shouldn't).  I've kept my movements limited to following the surgeon's instructions as I don't want to risk getting the scars wider - so am limited to not putting my arms above my head (makes washing your hair a bit of a challenge) and also have restrictions on lifting anything heavy - but heavy was not defined ! - I've seen others say no more than 5lbs so I've tried to stick to this rule.

My main challenge has been reaching things - either too high - or too low.  The too high things would normally have been solved by standing on a step/stool thing - but as my thighs were done at the same time and lifting my feet up high was a challenge and a big NO, NO.  The too low things have been sorted by either using a long pair of kitchen tongs to grasp things (since I can't bend over due to the thighs) or simply going without - who needs to wear underwear or nightwear !! 

Anyway, I've had to resort to asking hubby to leave things on the counter/table/dressing table etc so that I can reach them - including coffee mugs/cereal/bowls/plates/clothes etc.  Also it's meant adjusting my palate - as somehow I always crave the sauce/condiment/food item - which I simply can't reach ! On the surface that sounds fine - BUT I HATE CLUTTER - so psychologically - it's somewhat FREAKING ME OUT ! - but I can live with it for now.

I'm wearing a lovely cute (SO NOT) compression tank top thing in beige/puke colour which is not the most comfortable garments (but I wouldn't go without it as I need the compression) - they got it for me so that it would give some support after my breast lift - but frankly I hate it with a vengence as it squashes my new perky boobs, so I'm getting  a new one today at my follow up appt which provides the arm cover without the breast cover.  

In terms of pain, I'm more uncomortable than anything - the arms swell as the day goes by - so the garment feels tighter and I can feel my incisions pulling.  The incisions under the arms are much better than I thought they would be - they are more delicate - but a bit of padding/gauze keeps them fine - and they have healed beatifully.

I have to sleep with my arms raised on pillows which is no biggie as I'm now a newly converted back sleeper - I'm still sleeping with my legs raised to help the thighs drain - so am surrounded by a wall of pillows every night.

Anyway, here are a few pics to give you an idea of how they are healing - my surgeon doesn't like doing straight lines as he said a curved one is less obvious - though at the moment I can't help thinking it looks a bit like a shark bite (well that's the story I can tell if anyone spots it !)  There's also a slightly different cut on one arm compared to the other because of how lopsided my arms were in terms of fat and skin.  He also does a zig zag cut in the arm pits which apparently causes less constriction.  Anyway, as usual - I'm bruised and still swollen so know the results will get better over time.

Debbie x

